Saturday, August 29, 2009


Hello! My name is Laura Hartke. I am in my 3rd year of teaching at Gallatin County Elementary where I teach 2nd grade. I did my undergrad work at NKU, and am looking forward to completeting my master's degree here as well.

I am married and have 3 children. My twin boys are 15, and my daughter is 11. All 3 are very involved in sports and academics. I spend almost every spare moment I have sitting on bleachers cheering them on in whatever sport happens to be in season.

I look forward to reading all of your blogs!


  1. I just wanted to make sure I set this up so that people could comment.

  2. Hi Laura! It's very nice to "meet" you and I look foward to working with you this sounds like it will be busy with teaching and cheering:)

  3. Good to see you Laura- I hope you will have fun blogging- I am glad to see that you have a web page for your students- I am sure the parents like it- I always like when my son's teachers have web pages.

  4. Hey, Laura. I teach second grade too. Maybe we can swap ideas!
