Monday, September 28, 2009

Task 3

Do all students have a capacity to learn? Well, this is the loaded question of education isn't it? I believe that all students have the capacity to learn. I do not know to what degree all student's can learn, but I know that they certainly CAN learn.
What shapes this capacity?
Now that I have told you that I am certain that all students learn, the big huge question is "what shapes this capacity?" This is huge. Every thing shapes this capacity. Parental attitude, student attitude, teacher attitude, life experiences, and basic needs. I can remember taking a class, but honostly I cannot remember which one, that said no learning can take place until a student's basic needs are met. This is what I believe is one of the biggest factors of learning. When a student goes home, and has no food, possibly no parent available, maybe or maybe not electricity or clothing, then those needs must first be met and become a priority in that child's life above anything else. That is when we become such an important part of that child's life and such a huge determining factor in their capacity to learn. We have to know our students, and I mean really know our students, in order to have the ability to positively shape their capacity to learn. We have to do our best to understand the circumstances that each child comes from before we can possibly help them. Not only do we have to help them, but we may also have to work to give those who have parents that may have such huge burdens in life, that education takes a back seat to any of it, a positive feeling about school. We have to make sure there is a bridge of communication between home and school, and not only do the students trust us, but the parents do as well. I think it is our job to try and reach each student and make sure that they do reach their full potential, whatever that may be. I do not believe that each child has the same potential. This may be a politically incorrect statement, but I think it is a true statement. I do not believe it is in anyway an excuse to not try equally with each individual, however, the word cannot be soley made up of rocket scientist, or neuro surgeons. It takes all types. The important part is, that we give them the tools to be the best they can be and to reach their full potential. This is why for the next task I am very interested in Domain 2: The Classroom Environment.

How do these assumptions about learning shape our instruction?


  1. I think you are absolutely right that a key to helping students learn is to really know your students. I think that this goes far beyond what did you do last weekend (which my son's teachers never ask him). I agree that a bridge needs to be build between home and school- sometimes that is more of a challenge than others. And yes what goes on outside of school influences what happens inside your classroom. But I do think about the story of Booker T. Washington learning to read. He certainly did not have his basic needs (and rights) met but had the intense desire to learn that transcended these needs. And although I agree that all kids don't end up in the same place and we need scientists and plumbers and doctors I do wonder if potential is the right word. Potential seems like such a loaded word with a societal value placed on it-- I wonder if there is a less loaded way to think about that and get at that same place-- is the potential to be a lawyer and the potential to be a waitress valued differently (even though we clearly need both)-Is there a way not to value certain potentials differently?

  2. I just checked and my comment that I had originally typed here did not show up! I knew something was up when I realized it hadn't asked me to type in one of those verification codes. Anyway, my comment was along the lines of agreeing with your statements about potential. All students and individuals weren't made to excel at the same pace or to the same level-the world just doesn't work that way! So you are right, if given the tools and motivation, they will each be able to reach their INDIVIDUAL potential with our help.
